I don’t enjoy worrying or ruminating. Excessive rumination is linked to depression, a loss of hope, and a more negative interpretation of events and experiences. When I find myself obsessing on a negative possibility, I do what I can to break out of that thought pattern. Exercise or sports usually helps, as does any kind of physical activity that demands my full attention. Writing and journaling can help to crystallize or express my thoughts, and to gain perspective.
There are advantages to optimism. Optimists tend to live longer and have better health outcomes when they get sick. They may be more successful in their careers and have better financial health. I’m usually optimistic, but I have plenty of worries and anxieties as well. I also wonder how much I should try to be optimistic and not worry about various possible calamities, and in what circumstances it makes sense to consider worst case scenarios and other poor outcomes.
I usually try to imagine best case scenarios. Even though those best case scenarios are unlikely to materialize, imagining them help keep me oriented in the direction I want to be going.
But I think there is a place for imagining bad possibilities in detail.
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