Up until now Word Craft has exclusively featured my fellow Flame Tree Press authors, but this week I’m officially opening Word Craft to authors with other publishers. Please welcome Betsy Dornbusch to Word Craft! I enjoyed reading her honest responses and I can relate to many of them, especially managing to succeed at writing despite the many distractions life offers.

Those who have read the previous Word Craft Q&A’s may notice that my questions are evolving, and that process will continue. I’ve also added a new “Additional Reading” section at the bottom — previous posts I’ve written that relate to the author’s responses in some way.


Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer.

I wrote since fourth grade  and took creative writing in college, but life got in the way and I quit. Then after the birth of my second child I started writing a book I’d been noodling for years. That turned into Archive of Fire, my first novel published in 2012.