sci-fi author, beatmaker

Tag: cli-fi

Reclaimed Earth Series Promotion (Cash and Book Prizes)

I’m running a short contest to promote my Reclaimed Earth science fiction series. Please enter below if you’d like a chance to win $50 and the first two books of the series. Book 3, The Last Crucible, comes out next year on Flame Tree Press.

Update: This contest has ended. The winner was selected randomly by the engine, and paid.

Reviews of The Sky Woman (Book 1 of Reclaimed Earth)

Review in Analog SF
“A well-told story reminiscent of Ursula K. LeGuin or Karen Lord”

Review in Compelling Science Fiction
“wonderfully entertaining debut novel”

Review on Whiskey With My Book
“a highly imaginative future Earth”

Review on Pamela Morris Books
“an incredible and detailed vision of Earth’s future”

Review on In Libris Veritas
“I loved the blend of science fiction technology with the rustic iron age advancements”

Review on Cemetery Dance
“wildly imaginative and totally entertaining”

Long-Term Thinking as a Coping Mechanism for Political Insanity (or Why I Write Science Fiction)

The Guardian in John Scalzi’s advance reading copy pile

I should say up front that this post is a book plug. But it’s also an honest account of what’s been going on in my head since the orange menace was elected and the stock market graph of human progress took a sharp dip.

Three years into the Trump administration, I’m learning how to manage my emotions around the fact that a narcissistic man-child is systematically dismantling everything good about our country (human rights, environmental protections, voting rights and fair elections, a relatively good standing in the international community, etc.), while simultaneously worsening our preexisting national issues (racism, gun violence, massive wealth inequality, expensive healthcare, etc.). It’s an awful situation that has negatively impacted my own well-being (and I’m a relatively wealthy, privileged white male, with plentiful resources; most have it much worse).


Is my name big and gold enough?

So, today The Sky Woman is officially released. Hooray! It’s been a long wait. Many thanks are due to everyone who helped make this book happen: my wife Kia, my daughter, my parents (especially my mom who did a careful read of an early draft), my other friends who read various versions (Jason W. and Jason K. — looking at you guys), my friends who have encouraged me unconditionally along the way (especially my music brothers Spesh and Mark), and many readers of this blog who have cheered me on. And also editor Don D’Auria, and all the folks at Flame Tree Press who worked hard to get the book out today (in multiple formats, all beautifully done). I deeply appreciate all of you.

What I’ve Been Up To (and what I’ll be blogging about in the coming months)

“Starship 44” by Robin Boer

Hello readers!

These past weeks have been full. I won’t say I’ve been “busy” or that things have been “hectic” because that’s not true–I’ve chosen the tortoise pace for this year and I’ve been sticking to that plan fairly effectively. I’m cramming less in each day, and that’s working for me. But even so, there hasn’t been a dull moment.

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